
Bio3DmatriX Chito3Dgel is a natural matrix, used to create three-dimensional (3D) micro-environments for neuronal cell cultures. Chito3Dgel is a chitosan-based thermo-gelling formulation, enriched with the main proteins and growth factors of the brain extracellular matrix. Chitosan is a polysaccharide derived from chitin, the major component of crustacean exoskeletons, as well as some bacterial and fungal cell wall.

Chito3Dgel polymerizes at 37°C to form an artificial matrix that fit to a variety of conventional cell culture formats. Neuronal cells grow within an innovative in vitro model system, maintaining their in vivo morphology, behavior and responsiveness.

Chito3Dgels for 2D and 3D cultures are available in different formats, related to application-specific needs without the need of further functionalization:

  • Bio3DmatriX coated-cultureware

  • Bio3DmatriX Chito3Dgel solution

  • Bio3DmatriX Chito3Dgel Ink